A person can stop taking birth control pills at whatever point, including during the middle of the pack.

However, coming off birth command pills increases the likelihood of pregnancy in the absence of other birth control methods.

Additionally, birth control pills override the natural menstrual bike. Coming off these pills may, therefore, atomic number 82 to temporary menstrual bike irregularities and other hormone-related symptoms.

Read on to find out more most the potential risks and side effects of stopping nativity command mid pack.

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Hormone-related symptoms are a possible side result of stopping the birth command pill.

Birth command pills contain hormones that regulate the menstrual bicycle and prevent ovulation.

As a issue, the time of the month that a person stops taking the pills may influence the side effects that they experience.

Yet, there are no data on the specific risks relating to stopping birth control pills mid pack.

Some general risks or side effects of coming off the birth control pill include those below.


Stopping the birth control pill increases a person's likelihood of becoming pregnant. To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, information technology is necessary to use an alternative method of birth control.

Some people may choose to switch to an alternative hormonal contraceptive. In this case, they should wait for the new contraceptive to take outcome earlier having sex activity. Alternatively, they can immediately switch to using condoms or diaphragms during sex to assist prevent pregnancy.

In some cases, a person may be able to start the new contraceptive earlier stopping the previous one. Doing this protects against pregnancy while giving the new hormones time to have effect. People should talk to a healthcare professional about the safety of using ii hormonal contraceptives at the aforementioned fourth dimension.

Hormone-related symptoms

Some women may experience curt-term or longer-term symptoms as a result of stopping the birth control pill.

Curt-term symptoms

Symptoms can occur in the weeks after coming off the pill when the body'southward natural hormones kick back in. These symptoms tend to be temporary and may include:

  • menstruating before or later on in the bike than usual
  • symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such every bit acne, sensitive breasts, or food cravings
  • headaches
  • mood changes
  • depression or anxiety

Longer-term symptoms

Some people may feel longer-term changes in their menstrual cycle after they stop taking the pill.

Without nascence control hormones regulating it, the menstrual cycle may change. Information technology may become more than irregular or start to follow a unlike schedule. Some people may experience heavier or more painful periods.

Additionally, some individuals use the birth control pill to control certain conditions, such equally:

  • PMS
  • irregular periods
  • menstrual cramps
  • acne
  • endometriosis
  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • fibroids
  • ovarian cysts

The symptoms of these conditions may render in the absence of the pill.

When a person stops taking the birth control pill, the pill'due south hormones chop-chop leave the body. Gradually, the body's natural hormones volition resume regulating the menstrual cycle. Almost people accept their first period about 2–4 weeks afterwards coming off the pill. However, it can take up to 3 months for the natural menstrual bicycle to fully reestablish itself.

In some cases, a hormone dysregulation may develop while a person is using the birth command pill, which will mask the symptoms. Anyone who finds that their wheel has non returned to normal afterwards a few months should run into a physician.

Effects on pregnancy hazard

Nascence control pills work by preventing ovulation, which is the procedure by which the trunk releases an egg. The pills also thicken the fungus of the cervix. Every bit a upshot, even if ovulation does occur, it is more difficult for sperm to accomplish the egg.

As birth control pills suppress ovulation, removing these hormones from the torso tin trigger ovulation. In theory, ovulation could occur straight after coming off the pill. In this case, immediate pregnancy is a possibility.

The bodily timing of ovulation depends on when in the cycle a person stops using birth command pills, also as their overall fertility.

Furnishings on fertility

A 2018 meta-analysis looked at 22 studies on people'due south fertility later on stopping the apply of nativity command pills. The authors concluded that:

  • nascence control pills do non affect long-term fertility
  • the duration of use of nascence control pills is not a pregnant predictor of fertility
  • there is no meaning delay in the render of fertility later stopping the apply of birth control pills

An earlier study investigated the length of fourth dimension that it took for fertility to return following continuous apply of the birth command pill levonorgestrel for a year. Of the 187 participants who took part in the study, 98.9% began ovulating within 90 days of stopping the pill. The average time that it took the participants to render to ovulation was 32 days.

This finding suggests that although some users may experience a delay in fertility after stopping the birth control pill, virtually volition quickly become fertile again.

In a 2nd written report investigating fertility following continuous apply of levonorgestrel, 52% of the 21 participants who wanted to get pregnant did so within three months of stopping this pill. Within xiii months, 86% became meaning. These pregnancy rates are similar to those of the general population.

There are several reasons why a person may cull to stop taking birth control pills. These include:

  • switching to another nascency control method
  • concerns about the short-term or long-term health effects of hormonal nativity control
  • unpleasant side effects
  • trying to become pregnant
  • the cost of nascency command

It is safe to stop taking the birth control pill at any fourth dimension. Still, anyone who wishes to switch to an culling method of contraception should talk to a doctor or sexual health adviser first. These professionals volition be able to provide information on the various options. They may too exist able to recommend a birth control pill with fewer side effects if this is something of business organisation.

People can safely end using oral contraceptives anytime they wish. There is no need to wait until a period begins or to seek approval from a doctor.

However, those who end taking birth control pills should be enlightened of the increased likelihood of becoming pregnant. Anyone who does non want to become pregnant should apply an alternative method of contraception.

Although stopping nativity control pills is rubber, information technology can sometimes outcome in side effects. However, these are usually short-term.

Individuals with hormone-related conditions may experience the return or worsening of symptoms once they end taking the birth command pill. They should talk over the risks and alternative handling options with their physician.