Because of Christ s Atonement I Can Repent and Live With God Again Lds Talk

FHE Scripture


D&C 18:10-14

10 – Remember the worth of souls is smashing in the sight of God;

11 – For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered decease in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the hurting of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.

12 – And he hath risen again from the expressionless, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance.

13 – And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!

14 – Wherefore, yous are chosen to cry repentance unto this people.

FHE Lesson Hymn


Repentance– Primary Songbook #98or Come Unto Jesus – Hymn #117


"I am sorry" is not always easy to say
When I know I've been thoughtless and done something incorrect.
I'll effort to repent, to do better, to pray
That Heavenly Begetter will assistance me be strong.

Come Unto Jesus

1. Come unto Jesus, ye heavy laden,
Careworn and fainting, by sin oppressed.
He'll safely guide you unto that haven
Where all who trust him may remainder.

2. Come unto Jesus; He'll always heed you,
Though in the darkness yous've gone off-target.
His love will find you and gently lead you
From darkest dark into mean solar day.

3. Come unto Jesus; He'll surely hear yous,
If yous in meekness plead for his love.
Oh, know yous not that angels are well-nigh you
From brightest mansions above?

four. Come unto Jesus from ev'ry nation,
From ev'ry land and isle of the sea.
Unto the high and lowly in station,
Ever he calls, "Come up to me."

FHE Lesson


*For Younger Children* Read "Making Things Right" (Friend, Apr 2012). Hash out the story. Testify of the power of Repentance.

Read or retell "Making Things Right" (Friend, April 2012).

Making Things Right

By Michelle Southward. Kurns (Based on a truthful story)

"I need to tell you something, Mom," Melissa said, looking at the floor. She took a deep breath and started to cry.

"My instructor is actually mad because someone wrote on the bath wall," Melissa said. "I know I shouldn't have done it, but someone else started writing and I idea it was funny, so I did too. I feel so bad inside. What tin can I do?"

Mom gave Melissa a hug and pointed to a picture on the shelf. It was taken on the 24-hour interval Melissa was baptized. "Exercise remember what Uncle Brett talked near at your baptism?"

Sniffling, Melissa nodded. "That the Holy Ghost can help us know what is right and incorrect," she said. "He said if I did something wrong I would get a bad feeling. Is this what he was talking about?"

"Yes," Mom said. "What else did he say?"

Melissa thought for a moment. "When nosotros mess upwardly we can repent past asking for forgiveness and fixing what we did wrong," she said. "And promising to never do information technology once more."

Equally Melissa said those words, she knew what she needed to practice.

Before the school bell rang the next morning, Melissa was at her teacher'southward desk.

"Mrs. O'Dell, I wrote on the bathroom wall," Melissa said, her heart pounding. "I'm really sorry, and I will clean information technology up."

Mrs. O'Dell looked at Melissa for a moment. "You'll have to stay after school to clean it," she said. "And you demand to tell your mother what y'all have washed."

"I know, I already told her. I promise to never do anything similar this again," Melissa said.

Melissa smiled equally she walked to her desk-bound. The bad feeling she had yesterday was gone.

Discuss the post-obit questions afterward reading the story.

  • Why did Melissa feel bad inside?
  • What did Melissa's mom remind her nigh?
  • What does the Holy Ghost help usa to know?
  • Can we practise anything if we mess upwardly?
  • What did Melissa decide to do?

Bear witness of the power of Repentance

*For Teenagers or Adults* Read "Repentance and Conversion", from April 2007 General Conference. Discuss the talk given by Elderberry Nelson and it's meaning to your family unit. Prove of the ability of Repentance.

Read "Repentance and Conversion", a talk given by Elder Russell Yard. Nelson in April 2007.

Repentance and Conversion

Russell M. Nelson

Terminal year while Elder David S. Baxter and I were driving to a stake conference, nosotros stopped at a eatery. Later when returning to our car, we were approached by a adult female who called out to us. We were startled by her appearance. Her preparation (or lack of it) was what I might politely telephone call "farthermost." She asked if nosotros were elders in the Church building. Nosotros said yep. Almost unrestrained, she told the story of her tragic life, swamped in sin. Now, only 28 years onetime, she was miserable. She felt worthless, with aught to live for. Every bit she spoke, the sweetness of her soul began to sally. Pleading tearfully, she asked if in that location was whatsoever hope for her, any way up and out of her hopelessness.

"Yep," we responded, "there is hope. Hope is linked to repentance. You can change. You can 'come up unto Christ, and be perfected in him.'"  Nosotros urged her non to procrastinate. She sobbed humbly and thanked u.s. sincerely.

As Elder Baxter and I continued our journey, we pondered that experience. Nosotros recalled the counsel given to a hopeless soul past Aaron, who said, "If thou wilt repent of all thy sins, and volition bow downward before God, and call on his name in faith, … then shalt thou receive the hope which chiliad desirest."

Now, at this endmost session of general conference, I too speak on repentance. I do so because the Lord has commanded His servants to cry repentance unto all people.  The Primary has restored His gospel to bring joy to His children, and repentance is a crucial component of that gospel.

The doctrine of repentance is equally old every bit the gospel itself. Biblical teachings from the books of Genesis to Revelation teach repentance. Lessons from Jesus Christ during His mortal ministry include these warnings: "The kingdom of God is at hand: apologize ye, and believe the gospel" and "Except ye repent, ye shall all besides perish."

References to repentance are even more than frequent in the Book of Mormon. To the people of ancient America, the Lord gave this commandment: "Once more I say unto you, ye must repent, and be baptized in my name, and become as a little child, or ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."

With the Restoration of the gospel, our Savior has once again stressed this doctrine. The word repent in any of its forms appears in 47 of the 138 sections of the Doctrine and Covenants!

Repent from Sin

What does it mean to repent? We begin with a dictionary's definition that to apologize is "to plow from sin … to feel sorrow [and] regret." To apologize from sin is not easy. But the prize is worth the price. Repentance needs to be washed one stride at a fourth dimension. Humble prayer will facilitate each essential stride. Every bit prerequisites to forgiveness, there must first be recognition, remorse, so confession. "By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them." Confession is to be made to the person who has been wronged. Confession should be sincere and not merely an admission of guilt afterward proof is evident. If many persons accept been offended, confession should be fabricated to all offended parties. Acts that may affect 1's standing in the Church building or the right to its privileges should be confessed promptly to the bishop, whom the Lord has chosen as a common gauge in State of israel.

The next step is restitution—to repair damage washed—if possible. And so come steps to resolve to do better and refrain from relapse—to repent "with total purpose of center." Thanks to the ransom paid by the Atonement of Jesus Christ, full forgiveness is given to the sinner who repents and remains free from sin. To the repentant soul, Isaiah said, "Though your sins exist as scarlet, they shall be every bit white as snow; though they exist cherry-red like cherry, they shall be as wool."

The Lord'south imperative accent on repentance is evident every bit we read from department 19 of the Doctrine and Covenants: "I command y'all to repent—apologize, lest I smite yous by the rod of my oral cavity, and past my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore—how sore you know not, how exquisite you lot know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not.

"For behold, I, God, accept suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

"But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I."

While the Lord insists on our repentance, most people don't experience such a compelling need. They include themselves amongst those who endeavour to be skillful. They accept no evil intent. Even so the Lord is clear in His bulletin that all demand to repent—not just from sins of commission only from sins of omission as well. Such is the case in His warning to parents: "Inasmuch as parents have children in Zion … that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost … , the sin be upon the heads of the parents."

Broader Meaning of the Discussion Repent

The doctrine of repentance is much broader than a dictionary'southward definition. When Jesus said "apologize," His disciples recorded that control in the Greek linguistic communication with the verb metanoeo. This powerful discussion has great significance. In this discussion, the prefix meta means "alter." The suffix relates to four important Greek terms: nous, pregnant "the listen"; gnosis, meaning "knowledge"; pneuma, pregnant "spirit"; 28 and pnoe, meaning "breath."

Thus, when Jesus said "repent," He asked u.s.a. to modify—to modify our listen, cognition, and spirit—even our breath. A prophet explained that such a change in one'southward jiff is to breathe with grateful acquittance of Him who grants each jiff. Male monarch Benjamin said, "If ye should serve him who has created you … and is preserving you from twenty-four hours to mean solar day, by lending you breath … from i moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls still ye would exist unprofitable servants."

Yes, the Lord has allowable us to repent, to alter our ways, to come unto Him, and be more like Him. This requires a total change. Alma so taught his son: "Learn wisdom in thy youth," he said. "Learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God. … Allow all thy thoughts exist directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy center be placed upon the Lord forever."

To apologize fully is to convert completely to the Lord Jesus Christ and His holy work. Alma taught that concept when he posed these questions: "I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Take ye received his prototype in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?" That change comes when we are "born once more," converted and focused upon our journeying to the kingdom of God.

Fruits of Repentance

The fruits of repentance are sweet. Repentant converts find that the truths of the restored gospel govern their thoughts and deeds, shape their habits, and forge their character. They are more than resilient and able to deny themselves of all ungodliness. Moreover, uncontrolled appetite, habit to pornography or harmful drugs, unbridled passion, lecherous desire, and unrighteous pride are diminished with complete conversion to the Lord and a determination to serve Him and to emulate His example. Virtue garnishes their thoughts, and self-confidence grows. Tithing is seen equally a joyful and protective blessing, non as a duty or a cede. Truth becomes more attractive, and things praiseworthy become more engaging.

Repentance is the Lord'south regimen for spiritual growth. Rex Benjamin explained that "the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the amende of Christ the Lord, and becometh equally a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of beloved, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, fifty-fifty every bit a child doth submit to his father." 45 Brothers and sisters, that ways conversion! Repentance is conversion! A repentant soul is a converted soul, and a converted soul is a repentant soul.

Repentance for Those Who Are Dead

Each living person tin apologize. Simply what near those who have died? They likewise have opportunities to repent. Scripture declares that "the faithful elders of this dispensation, when they depart from mortal life, continue their labors in the preaching of the gospel of repentance … amidst those who are … under the chains of sin in the great world of the spirits of the dead.

"The expressionless who apologize will be redeemed, through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God,

"And after they take paid the penalization of their transgressions, and are washed clean, [they] shall receive a reward according to their works."

The Prophet Joseph Smith further revealed that "the earth will be smitten with a expletive unless there is a welding link of some kind or other between the fathers and the children. … We without [our dead] cannot be fabricated perfect; neither can they without us be made perfect. … [This] dispensation is now beginning to conductor in, that a whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations, and keys, and powers, and glories should take place."

"Jesus wants me for a sunbeam"? Yes! And you lot too! He too wants united states as bonding blacksmiths—creating celestial welding links—to curb the curse of family fragmentation. The earth was created and temples provided so that families tin be together forever. Many, if not most, of united states of america could repent and be converted to more than temple and family history work for our ancestors. Thus, our repentance is necessary and essential for their repentance.

For all our kindred dead, to the 28-year-old woman mired in the swamp of sin, and to each 1 of us, I declare that the sweet blessing of repentance is possible. It comes through consummate conversion to the Lord and His holy work.

I know that God lives. Jesus is the Christ. This is His Church building. His prophet today is President Gordon B. Hinckley. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Talk over the article as a family. Y'all can direct the chat in any direction you wish. You might consider the post-obit questions equally you lead your discussion.

  • What are the four dissimilar aspects of repentance that Elder Nelson mentioned in his talk?
  • What are the steps of repentance?
  • Discuss the broader meaning of the piece of work "Repent"
  • Based on the broader significant of the word "Repent", would consider repentance as periodic events, or as an ongoing procedure?
  • What is something new you lot have learned near repentance after studying this conference talk?

Testify of the power of Repentance.

FHE Treat


Mini Cheesecake Tarts and Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

Mini Cheesecake Tarts


12 Nilla Wafer Cookies
2 8oz packages cream cheese
iii/4 C sugar
2 Tbs flour
1/four tsp baking powder
ane Tbs fresh lemon juice
ii eggs
one 1/2 tsp vanilla
Foil cupcake liners

Optional Toppings:

canned pie filling
fresh berries
whipped foam
chocolate sauce
caramel sauce
lemon curd


Preheat oven to 375. Soften cream cheese if needed. With an electrical mixer, trounce foam cheese and sugar. Add in flour and baking powder and vanquish to combine. Then add in eggs, one at a fourth dimension, lemon juice, and vanilla. Beat to combine.

Fill a muffin pan with cupcake liners and place i vanilla wafer at the bottom of each i. Dissever concoction between 12 muffin papers, filling each cup upward to well-nigh 1/4 inch from the top. Bake for xv-18 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. They'll puff way up during blistering, but they'll settle afterwards being chilled.

When you take them out of the oven, identify them on a cooling rack and let them cool completely. While they cool, they will sink downward in the center. Don't worry- that's normal! It makes the perfect fiddling well to fill up with the fruit filling. Earlier you top them, chill in the refrigerator for at to the lowest degree 4-half-dozen hours or preferably over dark. And so tiptop and serve. You tin be artistic and superlative with whatever you like, like chocolate, caramel, lemon curd, whatever! Makes 12 cheesecakes.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie


1 unbaked 9-inch pie crust, bootleg or shop-bought.
ii large eggs
1/two C flour
1/2 C white granulated sugar
ane/2 C packed brown sugar
3/4 C existent butter, softened (ane i/2 sticks)
i C chocolate chips (semi-sugariness or dark works best, you might notice milk too sweet)
1 C chopped pecans (if desired)

Vanilla ice foam, or sweetened whipped cream for serving
optional: chocolate sauce


Preheat oven to 325° F.

Beat eggs in large mixer bowl on loftier speed until foamy. Beat in flour, granulated sugar and brownish sugar. Beat in butter. Stir in morsels and nuts. Spoon into pie shell.

Broil for 55 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted halfway between border and center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack or serve slightly warmed. Serve with water ice cream or whipped foam.

(Recipes taken from )

FHE Game / Activity


1- Family unit Olympics – In honor of the Summer 2012 Olympics going on, have your ain family unit Olympics. Option your favorite olympic events, or even come upward with your own! To brand it even more than fun y'all could laurels medals or have family members human action as judges.

2- Star Gazing – Enjoy a night exterior on a blanket and watch the stars come out! (Weather permitting)

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